Publix Grocery Guide
Phew...this took me way longer than I imagined but in the best way! There is so much great stuff and I didn't want to miss anything! So 3 trips later and a lot of weird stares as I walked around the grocery store taking pictures of everything...we finally have a list! I hope you find this helpful in your quest to find healthy, clean options at your local grocery store :)
Okay, let's talk PRODUCE...this is the bulk of what you should be consuming on a daily the fruits & other produce not pictured (you get the idea)! Of course any and all produce is considered "clean" meaning it isn't processed, doesn't have any added sugars and other horrific shiz BUT buying organic is always ideal. There isn't enough space or time to go into that in depth but when buying organic you know you are getting the best of the best, coming from the most nutrient dense soil, non-GMO, a diverse growing environment, no chemical usage and all of these things effect our health more than we realize! ANYWAYS...I know buying organic isn't always an option either for budget reasons or for availability so, I always like to follow the DIRTY DOZEN and CLEAN FIFTEEN rule of thumb. The 12 most pesticide-laden foods are known as "The Dirty Dozen" and the 15 least pesticide-laden foods are known as "The Clean Fifteen" (linked for the list). So buying organic when purchasing items off the Dirty Dozen list is ideal and then you don't have to worry about it as much with the others...your body and mind will thank you! Now that we've got that covered, let's get to the goods: