10 Reasons To Eat Salad For Breakfast
10 Reasons to Eat Salad for Breakfast
I have had to opportunity to travel to Paris twice in my life and spent a good amount of time there. I adore that city for so many reasons! While I was there enjoying all the things Paris has to offer, I was also taking in all the good food...shocker I know! One thing that really made an impression was how they ate a lot of salad for breakfast. Unfortunately, most American breakfast's look more like dessert, loaded with simple carbs and sugar, and so this is probably why it struck me as odd. But is it really?? I think not! I have incorporated eating salads for breakfast a couple of times a week and it is my new obsession. So here are my reasons why!
1. That's what Europeans do and let's just be honest...I think they have this whole balanced diet, health and wellness thing way more figured out than we do, with our obesity rates some of the highest in the world!
2. Initiates "crowding out" which is a method I have been learning about in my training with The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. In simple terms, it means the more healthy foods you add in, the less un-healhty foods you will eat. So by starting your day with a good amount of nutrient dense leafy greens and vegetables, you are less likely to have time or room for the not so good stuff.
3. Variety! There are so many things you can do with a salad. Multiple toppings, adding a good lean protein, nuts, seeds, quality oil-based dressings. Different textures and flavors with the fresh fruits and veggies you chose that day. When the options are endless and you have that kind of variety, you are less likely to get tired of eating them. In fact, I don't think I have yet to eat a single breakfast salad that was the same!
4. Curbs cravings of sweets right away. For me, when I start my day with something sweet or simple carb driven, I end up craving those foods for the rest of the day. This has to do with the crash and craving cycle. it is a vicious cycle and definitely something a lot of people suffer from. Hence that mid-day crash!
5. Easy Prep! It takes very little cooking and prep-work to put together a salad. A lot of the slicing can be done ahead of time, stored in the fridge until ready to assemble.
6. Convenient for on the go...can I get an AMEN! We are always on the go! This is our culture whether we like it or not. And unfortunately, our choices of "on-the-go" foods are hideous! Salads are easy to pack. One good sized container loaded up with your greens, veggies, fruit and protein and you're ready to go.
7. Pairs well with brain fueling foods that will keep you full longer and fueled for your day. So not only are you getting your greens in but they go so well with a lot of good fats and proteins, such as eggs, chicken, fish, nuts, seeds, avocado, oils....I could go on and on!
8. Boosts energy! This will take some time if you are acustomed to eating a heavy sugar-based breakfast. You will feel those crashes until your body gets used to not craving the sugar to feel satisfied. Once you have detoxed from your sugar addiction (it's a real thing y'all), you will have more energy than ever before! You will be giving your body the nutrients it needs to take on the day and it will thank you, your metabolism with thank you and so will your waistline!
9. Diets rich in plant based foods significantly reduce the risk of disease and obesity. This has been proven time and time again, so why not start your day with these foods and start the day fighting the good fight?
10. Sets the tone for the whole day! When I start my day off right, whether thats having my warm lemon water in peace until the kids get up or doing a little stretching. Being able to do those thing sets the tone for my whole day in a positive way. Same with my breakfast, so starting my day off with a salad full of veggies and greens, just really sets a positive tone that carries throughout the day.
I hope these tips have been helpful and inspired you to incorporate some breakfast salads into your weekly routine!
Peace and Clean Eats,